Üritusel saavad teiste seas sõna keskkonnaminister Madis Kallas, Euroopa Komisjoni Eesti esinduse juht Vivian Loonela, Alexela juhatuse esimees Marti Hääl, julgeolekuekspert Rainer Saks ja SEI Tallinna keskuse direktor Lauri Tammiste.

Konverents leiab aset Fotografiskas Tallinnas ja on veebi teel jälgitav Eesti Päevalehe Roheportaali vahendusel. Üritus toimub inglise keeles.

Ürituste kava

14.00-14.10 Opening words

  • Måns Nilsson, SEI Executive Director

  • Isabella Lövin, Chairperson of the SEI Board

14.10-14.20 Current crises and challenges faced by Estonia in the context of EU and global environmental policies

  • Lauri Tammiste, SEI Tallinn Centre Director

14.20-14.25 Welcome speech: working towards more sustainable world (online)

  • Madis Kallas, Estonian Minister of Environment

14.25-14.35 Keynote speech: Building resilience through sustainability

  • Vivian Loonela, Head of the European Commission´s Representation in Tallinn

Part I: Building resilience in the urban settlements

It is estimated that by 2050, 70% of the world’s population will live in cities. Estonian urbanization is one of the fastest among OECD countries, which means that more than 69% of the population already lives in cities. Climate change affects cities stronger than rural areas – for instance, by exacerbating the already existing heat island effect and more intense rainfalls. This has raised the need for new innovative tactics to prevent disasters, address risks and manage data about urban climatology. SEI Tallinn has recently started to build expertise and project portfolios in the field of urban climatology and hydrology emphasizing the role of a participatory approach in building resilience.

14.35- 14.45 Short presentation: Climate change in urban areas and the use of city-wide climate sensor networks (Andreas Hoy, SEI Tallinn Senior Expert)

Urban pressure on Tallinn’s city climate and the interplay of grey and green spaces in urban areas based on temperature, relative humidity and precipitation data.

14.45-14.55 Short presentation: Participatory planning and resilience (Heidi Tuhkanen, SEI Tallinn Senior Expert)

What is the role of participatory governance in local level climate adaptation and disaster risk management: Examples from Estonia and beyond.

14.55- 15.45 Panel discussion: How to build a more sustainable and resilient urban environment?

  • Tõnis Arjus, Tartu city

  • Margit Keller, University of Tartu

  • Kristin Halvorsen, Center for International Climate Research, CICERO

  • Kristjan Maruste, Comodule

15.45-15.55 short break

Part II: Developing sustainable and resilient energy systems

The war in Ukraine has highlighted decoupling from Russia as unavoidable means for resiliency. Will it mean diversifying in the area of carbon-intensive energy, or will it push the EU to speed up on the road to decarbonization? What kind of implications will decoupling have for EU-s emissions? How do we access energy materials outside of the EU without putting our interest in front of local populations? How might Russia’s interests in other countries stop the EU from decoupling and diversifying?

15.55-16.10 Short presentation: Estonian pathways to climate neutral and resilient energy sector (Javad Keypour, SEI Tallinn Senior Expert)

SEI Tallinn has worked over the last years closely with the Estonian ministries and other national-level policymakers and stakeholders to explore and develop decarbonization pathways and ways to reach the climate targets and maintain resiliency in Estonia.

16.10-17.00 Panel discussion: How the dynamics of geopolitics are interlinked with human security and global environmental change?

  • Marti Hääl, Alexela, Chairman of the Board

  • Rainer Saks, CybExer, Member of Management Board

  • Isabella Lövin, former Minister for Climate and the Environment and former Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden

  • Ando Leppiman, Estonian Stockpiling Agency, chairman of the Board

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